Foundations For The Future



In May of 2020 we launched a building remodeling and improvement campaign aimed at increasing the health and safety of the building along with the potential for increased rental income in the coming years. You can read more about the plan by clicking here.

Here is the message from Worshipful Brother Walter Disney regarding this historic campaign-

In June of 1969 Worshipful Brother John Disney, my grandfather, sent a letter to members of the lodge soliciting funds to build the building we now occupy. It seems fitting that I now write a similar letter seeking your support for significant repairs and updates to our facility. At the February Stated meeting I appointed a Building Repair & Improvement Committee to make an assessment of our facility and to develop a plan to insure the longevity of our investment. Their report which I will highlight in this document shows that as King Solomon’s Temple did not escape the wrath of time and ravages of barbarous force our temple has endured a battle with Mother Nature and now needs our help.

At the May Stated Meeting the committee presented a detailed plan and budget to the members of the lodge along with a motion to start the work which was approved by the membership in attendance. We sought and received guidance and approval from the Grand Lodge of Ohio as to investing the lodge’s cash resources in this manner. We currently have enough cash reserves to pay for this project, however it will be a significant impact that could limit our long-term investment earnings capabilities.

I am going to ask you to invest the following three precious items with your lodge: Time, Talent, and Treasure.

Time: There are several phases of this project that we can save money on by doing a lot of the work ourselves. If you have time to come by in an evening or on a weekend to be a general laborer and help with whatever the week’s project is I ask that you contact the Secretary at 513-658-8994 or via email at [email protected].

Talent: If you are a licensed or certified tradesmen you can imagine some of the processes we have in store and we’d certainly appreciate adding you to our crew. If you’re a homeowner who has spent quarantine time painting your house and are ready to paint somewhere else we’ll have room for you as well!

Treasure: Yes, we are going to be asking each member to consider a financial pledge above and beyond your 2021 Dues. You can read more about this later in this document, but please know that your lodge leadership team recognizes that for some this is a very tough economic year. One generous Brother has committed to matching up to $5,000 if pledges and payments totalling that much are received by the July Stated Meeting, which is on July 21st!

Lastly, our goal is to have all of this work complete and our facility ready for the Reconsecration by the Grand Master and Grand Lodge Officers on Saturday, September 26th. You are highly encouraged to attend our Reconsecration yourself!

Sincerely & Fraternally

Walter D. Disney
Worshipful Master

Click the brick to buy an engraved brick in our new patio area: