Kyle Adkins Memorial Scholarship

Worshipful Brother Kyle Adkins was Master of J. B. Covert Lodge in 2008 and served as Trustee and Chaplain as a Past Master. Kyle’s love of life was evident in everything he did, and he always brought a spirit of levity to everything he was involved with.

A true servant of mankind if you needed help Kyle was there to help any time of the day or night. His vocation was that of being a math teacher and assistant band director most recently at Goshen High School, although he did enjoy doing the same at his Alma Mater Amelia High School for several years and at Glen Este High School. Kyle’s avocations included DJing weddings and proms, working on cars or anything else with an engine, and of course shooting sports.

An avid shooter Kyle enjoyed trap shooting the most and he was developing his skills as a gunsmith at the time of his passing.

Kyle brought to Masonry his passion for helping others and his love of the rituals and lessons found within Masonry’s many teachings.

It is only fitting that J. B. Covert Lodge memorializes this Brother with an ongoing commitment to help band students at Goshen, and West Clermont High School. To that end the Kyle Adkins Memorial Scholarship has been established and is awarded to a deserving student annually. The scholarship application can be downloaded at the link below.

If you would like to contribute to the Kyle Adkins Memorial Scholarship Fund, please send a check to the following address made payable to J. B. Covert Lodge and include Scholarship Fund in the memo:

J. B. Covert Lodge #437, F. & A.M. • Tom Lind,  Secretary• 3867 Pin Oak Dr.., Amelia, OH 451023


You can also donate online at our E-Store with a credit card by clicking here


Download Scholarship Application Here